



HTML Entities



Character type
Other symbol. General category "So" in the Unicode specification.
Character direction
Other neutral. Neutral bidirectional character type "ON" in the Unicode specification.
Defined; Graphic; Printable;
Introduced in version

Related characters and unicode symbols

Previous symbol in Unicode
Next symbol in Unicode

How to type or insert Emoji πŸͺ€ Yo-yo

The easiest way is to copy it from this page. To do this just press Copy button on Emoji image, alternatively select Emoji (same way as you select text with a mouse) and press Ctrl+C (Cmd+C on Mac), then paste it where needed with Ctrl+V (Cmd+V on Mac). On mobile, you can touch and hold Emoji to select it, then press Copy.

On Windows 10

  1. Open any application where do you want to insert Emoji Yo-yo
  2. In the text area, open the emoji window using the Windows key + ; (semicolon) or Windows key + . (period).
  3. Click on the Smiley face (emoji) tab.
  4. Start typing "yo-yo" for search
  5. Select emoji πŸͺ€ for insert
  6. Press ESC key to close emoji window

On Mac

  1. Open any application where do you want to insert Emoji Yo-yo
  2. In the text area, open the emoji window using the Control + Command + Spacebar
  3. Start typing "yo-yo" for search
  4. Double-click emoji πŸͺ€ for insert

On Ubuntu

  1. Open any GTK application where do you want to insert Emoji
  2. In the text area, open the emoji picker using the Ctrl + . (period). Or alternatively right-click and press Insert Emoji.
  3. Start typing "yo-yo" for search
  4. Select emoji πŸͺ€ for insert